Guidance and Supports » Jewish Board

Jewish Board

 The Jewish Board of Family and Children’s Services 

Social Workers from the Jewish Board of Family and Children’s Services are available in our guidance office to address a broad spectrum of issues that affect teenagers, including truancy from school, depression, anxiety, trauma, behavioral problems, mental illness, substance abuse, family conflict and sexual exploitation.
They also deal with issues of housing, education, and co-occurring substance use and medical disorders.
The Jewish Board of Family and Children’s Services are a team of clinical professionals and dedicated caregivers. Their services include cognitive behavioral therapy, special education and vocational training.
The Jewish Board provides comprehensive assessments and treatments delivered in individual, family, and group settings.  Students and their families have access to their support 12 months per year.  
Appointments with the Jewish board during the school year are held at Edward R. Murrow. During the summer months appointments can continue at the Jewish Board’s off campus locations.
Our social workers from The Jewish Board of Family and Children Services are located in the Guidance Suite, room 124A. Contact your Guidance Counselor for additional information and/or to receive a referral.