College and Career Office » College Now

College Now

 Mr. Mills, AP - College Now Coordinator, Room 327
[email protected]
Mrs. Salowitz-Allone, GC - College Now Counselor, Room 145
[email protected]

How the Program Works

During Junior year, COLLEGE NOW recruiters visit students in their English or Social Studies classes to inform them of the program's services and procedures. Students who express interest by submitting an application are invited to meet with COLLEGE NOW counselors to review their high school grades and Regents scores and develop a program of COLLEGE NOW coursework tailored to their academic needs and interests. 

COLLEGE NOW offers credit-bearing courses without tuition and book fees. Classes meet after the regular school day. Course offerings are in areas of Behavioral and Social Sciences, Business, Communications, English, Humanities, Mathematics and Science. They are taught by high school faculty who have met all requirements to be hired as an adjunct instructor in the appropriate department at the college. Students may also participate in freshman orientation courses designed to help them make a smooth transition from high school to college. Student development courses are offered at Kingsborough Community College in the summer and throughout the year at various high schools. They are taught by college counselors and cover topics such as choosing a major, study techniques, time and money management, career planning and goal settings.

Upon successful completion of coursework through COLLEGE NOW, students will have an official college transcript on file at Kingsborough Community College. They may request that this transcript be forwarded to the college of their choice by completing an application available from the COLLEGE NOW office at each school. Most COLLEGE NOW courses also quality for City University of New York "College Preparatory Initiative" (CPI) units.
College Now at Edward R. Murrow information - please click below: