Instructional Support Services
Ms. Dawn Hadley, Assistant Principal
(718)258-9283 ext 1280
(718)258-9283 ext 1280
The Instructional Support Services (ISS) Department
at Edward R. Murrow High School offers a wide array of services, and is one of the more diverse programs in New York City High Schools. These services are aligned to the educational law, IDEA (Individuals with Disabilities Education Act) ensuring that each student receives a free and appropriate education (FAPE). Our services and programs are designed to meet the individual needs of each student with a disability, and help to prepare them for further education, employment and independent living.
at Edward R. Murrow High School offers a wide array of services, and is one of the more diverse programs in New York City High Schools. These services are aligned to the educational law, IDEA (Individuals with Disabilities Education Act) ensuring that each student receives a free and appropriate education (FAPE). Our services and programs are designed to meet the individual needs of each student with a disability, and help to prepare them for further education, employment and independent living.
The programs/services offered at Edward R. Murrow are as follows:
Special classes 15:1 ratio
(New York City diploma bound)
With opportunities to transition to ICT (Integrated Co-Teaching), SETSS (Special Education Teacher Support Services) and/or general education class placement.
Special classes/ Alternate Assessment 15:1 ratio
(Awarded the Skills and Achievement Credential)
Where students participate in the NYSAA (New York State for Alternate Assessment) Testing Program.
Curriculum is aligned to NYSAA and CCSS standards.
ACES (Academic, Career, and Essential Skills) 15:1 ratio.
(Awarded the Skills and Achievement Credential)
Murrow is one of the community schools in New York City that houses an ACES Program that is intended to support students that participate in the New York State Alternate Assessment Program. ACES programs provide an opportunity to learn academic, work and independent living skills in community school districts. These students articulate centrally through the ACES High School application process.
SETSS (Special Education Teacher Support Services)
General education students receive academic support in ELA and Math in our resource room classes.
ICT (Integrated Co-Teaching)
(New York City diploma bound)
With opportunities to transition to ICT (Integrated Co-Teaching), SETSS (Special Education Teacher Support Services) and/or general education class placement.
Special classes/ Alternate Assessment 15:1 ratio
(Awarded the Skills and Achievement Credential)
Where students participate in the NYSAA (New York State for Alternate Assessment) Testing Program.
Curriculum is aligned to NYSAA and CCSS standards.
ACES (Academic, Career, and Essential Skills) 15:1 ratio.
(Awarded the Skills and Achievement Credential)
Murrow is one of the community schools in New York City that houses an ACES Program that is intended to support students that participate in the New York State Alternate Assessment Program. ACES programs provide an opportunity to learn academic, work and independent living skills in community school districts. These students articulate centrally through the ACES High School application process.
SETSS (Special Education Teacher Support Services)
General education students receive academic support in ELA and Math in our resource room classes.
ICT (Integrated Co-Teaching)
Classrooms in all core subject areas where students receive support from both the General Education and Special Education teacher in the General Education Classroom.
Related Services as mandated by the IEP (Individualized Education Program)
Related Services as mandated by the IEP (Individualized Education Program)
Counseling, Speech and Language Therapy, Physical Therapy, Occupational Therapy, Vision Services, Hearing Education Services, and Adaptive Physical Education.
Dawn Hadley, Assistant Principal, Instructional Support Services
[email protected]
ext. 1280
Instructional Support Services Links
Dawn Hadley, Assistant Principal, Instructional Support Services
[email protected]
ext. 1280
Instructional Support Services Links
Graduation requirements for Students with Disabilities
ACES Program Inquiry
504 Accommodations Information for Parents
College Board Requesting Testing Accommodations
Students with active IEPs and 504 plans are required to provide the school with parental consent so that we may request testing accommodations on PSAT, SAT, and Advance Placement Exams. This form only needs to be completed once during your child's tenure in high school. Edward R Murrow is unable to apply for accommodations for any student without the signed parental consent.
Completed forms should be submitted to the ISS office, room 128 or via email to [email protected].
The Parent Consent Form MUST be returned to room 128 or emailed to [email protected].
Additional Testing Information