College and Career Office » Financial Aid

Financial Aid

The Free Application of Federal Student Aid is the first step in applying for financial aid for college expenses. Please review the eligibility requirement on the website to see if you are eligible. The FAFSA application will be open sometime in December. 
Phone number: 800-433-3243
  • The first step of completing FAFSA is creating an FSA ID. You will need to create a FSA ID for yourself as well as ONE parent. This is done to protect your information as well as give you the right to sign the FAFSA electronically. You can start this by visiting
  • Once you receive your ID verification, the next step is to visit www.fafsa.govGetting verified can take up to three days. If you have any problems with creating an FSA ID please call (800) 433-3243.

The New York State Student Aid Payment Application allows you to apply for New York State's Tuition Assistance Program (TAP), as well as for payment of a scholarship for which you have already been approved. Please review the eligibility requirement on the website to see if you are eligible.


Phone Number: 888-697-4372 
HESC: Senator Jose Peralta New York State Dream Act
The New York State Dream Act gives undocumented and other students access to New York Sate administered grants and scholarships that support their higher education costs. Please review the eligibility requirement on the website to see if you are eligible.
**Please see "Other Important Links" at the bottom of this page for translation guides**
HESC: Excelsior Scholarship Information 

The Excelsior Scholarship, in combination with other student financial aid programs, allows students to attend a SUNY or CUNY college tuition-free. The program covers tuition for eligible SUNY and CUNY students. For the 2025-26 academic year, families who earned $125,000 or less in the tax year 2023 are eligible to apply.


**Please see "Other Important Links" at the bottom of this page for translation guides**
Dream US Scholarship
Undocumented students can apply to the Dream US Scholarship. Please check the website for eligibility.
CSS Profile
The CSS Profile is an online application used by colleges and scholarship programs to award Institutional (their own) aid. 
Link for CSS Profile Student Guide:
Link for CSS Profile Overview Video:
Link for CSS Profile Schools: