Parents » Murrow Music Sponsors

Murrow Music Sponsors

Welcome to the Murrow Music Sponsors (MMS) community.  It is with great enthusiasm that we invite you to get ready for upcoming events in the Music Institute and school wide! 

MMS meetings are usually held on the first Monday of the month at 6:30.  You can see a full school calendar here. Be sure to check the remind app and your email for scheduling changes and updates.

We would like to remind you that Murrow Music Sponsors is a community based on vibrant parent involvement.  Your contribution, whether it is your time or resources make a difference. We personally invite you to become an involved member of the Murrow Music Sponsors.  Thank you for helping in any way you can, and showing your children the importance you place on their musical education!

We look forward to seeing you at our upcoming events! 

To stay informed and connected to all MMS news and current events please continue to visit this website where you will find our monthly meeting dates and information on upcoming concerts and activities.  You can also stay up to date on our activities by following our Facebook page at

Should you have any questions or suggestions, please feel free to contact us directly. Our email address is [email protected]. We look forward to hearing from you.

Best of luck to your children and you for a successful school year!

The MMS Board 

"Music makes the world a better place"