SLT and Other Teams
School Leadership Team (SLT) are members of the Murrow community who develop educational policies for our school. They also make sure there are resources to support those policies. Our SLT provides ongoing evaluations of a school’s educational programs and their impact on student achievement, play an important role in school-based decision-making, and help to make school cultures more collaborative.
Murrow’s Inclusion Committee is committed to supporting community belonging and inclusion. The committee will work closely with Student Alliance to discuss building-based efforts and concerns regarding belonging and inclusion. The Inclusion Committee meets biweekly to work on the schools Inclusion Priorities (1) Culturally Responsive and Inclusive Curriculum and Teaching Practices, (2) Access to Advanced Coursework, (3) Meaningful Professional Development focused on Building Positive Relationships and Creating a Welcoming and Affirming Environment and (4) Prioritizing Student Input and Student Voice and Implementation of Student Led Initiatives.
Murrow’s Wellness Committee works together to promote a healthy school community and create a welcoming and affirming school environment. Using the Moral Compass of Kindness as our guide, the Wellness Committee meets each month to: (1) align our work to the Moral Compass of Kindness, (2) Discuss alignment communication and collaboration between the various groups (Restorative, CFU, Student Alliance, Guidance, CBOs, etc), and (3) analyze survey results of Learning Environment Survey questions for the purposes of developing wellness and kindness initiatives to support student growth and create a welcoming, supportive, and safe environment.
Murrow’s Instructional Leadership Teams - Instructional Leadership Teams (ILTs) are driven by the belief that collective instructional leadership and strengthening teacher practice has the greatest impact on student learning. Each ILT’s priorities are to strengthen core instruction, knowing every student well, and use a shared and inclusive curriculum to help each student meet their greatest potential. Assessment data is used regularly to inform our teams’ work.
Murrow’s Crisis Team meets monthly to discuss plans and resources to support our students and school community in the event of a crisis. Additionally, when a crisis/traumatic event occurs, members of the Crisis Team assemble immediately discuss the matter at hand and implement a response plan. Our goal is to ensure there is support in place for all school stakeholders.
Murrow’s Attendance Team formally meets once a month to review attendance data and to identify students with problematic attendance records. We create plans to connect with these students and determine strategies to help improve their attendance so that they are in a position to succeed in the classroom. Additionally, we also identify students that are showing signs of reduced attendance, and we work with Guidance Counselors and families to ensure that students recognize the impact of repeated absences as well as the benefits of being at school every day.
Murrow’s School Safety Committee meets monthly to discuss initiatives to promote positive interactions among all community members. The committee engages in ongoing dialogue and collaboration to ensure a safe school community. A great emphasis is placed on our Community Expectations as well as the Moral Compass of Kindness to promote a welcoming and safe learning environment.
Murrow’s School Based Support Team (SBST) consists of School Psychologists, Family Workers, and Social Worker. The team is located in offices 204 and 202. When a teacher or parent has concerns about a student, they can reach out to the team. The school psychologists and social worker oversee initial student evaluations and work with families and teachers to develop an Individualized Education Program. The SBST also oversees three-year evaluations and re-evaluations of students who require continued support.
Murrow’s School Implementation Team meets monthly and is comprised of special education and general education teachers, social workers, and administrators. The team addresses issues with access within the school community, and the development of quality IEPS.
If you have any questions, please reach out to our Parent Coordinator, Mr. Jose Rodriquez, at [email protected]