Our Community » Mission and Vision

Mission and Vision

Mission Statement:  

The Murrow community prides itself on being a school where all constituents, from all identities (race, sexuality, religion, social class, ability/disability etc.), feel included and welcomed and are provided with equitable resources to succeed. Staff will empower students by ensuring students are given opportunities to create the necessary space to channel their energy for critical/analytical thinking purposes. Integrating students’ holistic self, along with rigorous academics and continuous reflection, will optimize their growth and academic success with the ultimate goal for students to self-determine and manifest their aspirations. Further, Murrow promotes wellness for all community members via social-emotional learning and supports embedded in all aspects of the school environment. 


Vision Statement

Our vision is to produce a culturally and academically empowered student.  Through socially proactive courses, students will learn peer mediation and interpersonal problem-solving techniques in order to battle implicit bias, systemic racism and prejudice, and learn to solve problems in a productive and constructive way. Through these practices we hope to provide our society with young adults who can actualize their potential, stand up for social justice and promote a world where life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness is unconditionally accessible to all humans.  


... because at Edward R. Murrow High School, we CARE about our students!