Fine Arts » OPPORTUNITIES!!!!!


Greetings from the 92nd Street Y, New York!


We're sending a friendly reminder that Teen Arts Week is happening next week, March 11-17, and we would appreciate your help in spreading the word to students, teachers, and parents at your school, Edward R. Murrow High School.


NYC's only citywide celebration of the arts for teens, Teen Arts Week features FREE classes, performances, and workshops at over 30 cultural organizations in all 5 boroughs, including Lincoln Center, Mark Morris Dance Center, Queens Museum, and 92NY. These events enable teens to gain hands-on experience in different areas of the arts, engage with professionals in the creative industries, and explore pathways to future leadership within the context of the arts.


All events are free to students 14-18 with a valid school ID, and educators are invited to bring student groups to many events. Click here to register for events.


Additional information can be found on the flier belowThank you for your help in spreading the word about this special initiative for NYC teens!


Questions about Teen Arts Week? Email us at [email protected] or call 212-699-7274.

Teen Arts Week